RSHE and Wellbeing
  • About
  • Curriculum
  • Enrichment
  • Staff
  • About

    The Head of RSHE and Wellbeing and their team deliver a relevant and engaging programme within the curriculum, addressing the experiences and challenges of teenage life. All pupils have a weekly timetabled RSHE and Wellbeing lesson, in which we promote discussion, learning and reflection, to guide pupils and to help them make constructive choices in their lives. Pupil voice is a large component in the curriculum to ensure relevance of topics to our pupils.


    Department Contact Mrs Emma Blakemore
  • Curriculum

    The RSHE and Wellbeing Curriculum at Westminster has been designed so that important themes, as outlined in our RSE Policy and beyond, are revisited throughout a pupil’s time at Westminster. In doing so, key messages will be reinforced and built upon each year at developmentally appropriate stages.  

    In broad terms, the curriculum is divided into three themes, including lessons on:  

    • Health and Wellbeing: puberty, mental health, resilience, keeping active, and healthy eating. 
    • Relationships: respectful and healthy relationships (both online and offline), kindness and sex education. 
    • Living in the Wider World: career planning, financial literacy and exploring our rights and responsibilities. 

    It is such that, through a variety of mediums, we aim to support parents and carers in equipping their children to develop into successful and happy adults. 

    Our aim is to help our pupils to: respect differences of attitudes and opinions; challenge discrimination and stereotypes; develop resilience to be able to recover from setbacks and challenging periods in their lives; build the capacity to forge positive relationships in their lives; understand intimacy, including romantic and sexual intimacy; know how to access support and advice around all aspects of health (sexual, mental or physical); and have a basic understanding of the law (including the Equality Act 2010) as relates to  relationships, consent and sexual activity.

  • Enrichment

    The delivery of material is also supplemented by external organisations and speakers throughout the course of the academic year, and it is supported through Tutorial time too. The Head of RSHE and Wellbeing, and the Heads of Year liaise to ensure that Tutorial material is appropriate and in line with Westminster’s RSHE and Wellbeing Curriculum for each given year group. The Heads of Year in turn ensure that their team of year-group Tutors are well equipped to deliver follow-up content. This allows for a multifaceted approach to the delivery of the same topic, allowing for reflection and more opportunity for discussion with different staff members.  

  • Staff

    * denotes Head of Department
    † denotes Housemaster

    Mrs Emma Blakemore (EVB) — Head of RSHE and Wellbeing  *
    Mr Nick Massey (NPM) — Upper School RSHE and Wellbeing Lead; Head of Russian  *
    Mr Ezra Lutton ( EL) — Acting Housemaster; Lower & Upper Shell RSHE and Wellbeing Lead  ~
"“We loved the talk by Laura Bates on Everyday Sexism – she pitched the topic perfectly and really opened up discussion amongst the Upper School, creating a more in-depth awareness of gender issues within society as a whole and how we can start to evoke change. It also allowed male peers to empathise more with their female friends, providing more of an impetus to stand up to everyday sexism.”"

— Year 13 pupil

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