Registration Age Checker

School policies (e.g. Admissions and Awards, Bursary, SEND) may be downloaded from the Policies and Reports page.

13+ Co-Education Information Evening

Tuesday 24 September 2024. An information event for parents of girls interested in joining Westminster School at 13+ (from 2028 onwards). You will hear from pupils and staff, as well as have the chance to ask questions.

What is your child's date of birth?

What is your child's gender?


The different points of entry

  • Entry for 4+
  • Entry for 7+
  • Entry for 8+
  • Entry for 11+
  • Entry for 13+
  • Entry for 16+

Your child would join Westminster School in

Register your child

Online applications can be submitted from two years before the proposed date of entry.

Open Days

Open Days take place every year in the Spring and Autumn terms, allowing prospective parents and pupils to get a feel for the school environment and meet current pupils and staff.

Final registration point

The final date for online submissions is 30 September.

Stay and Play Sessions

Small group Stay and Play Sessions begin on a rolling basis for entry the following September. Offers are made based on the Stay and Play Sessions.

Offers sent

Offers of a place are sent to the parents of successful boys and girls.

Admission to the School

Those boys and girls achieving the required results in the entrance exams will join the Westminster community.

Your child would join Westminster School in

Register your child

Online applications can be submitted from two years before the proposed date of entry.

Open Days

Open Days take place every year in the Summer and Autumn terms, allowing prospective parents and pupils to get a feel for the School environment and meet current pupils and staff.

Final registration point

Please see the Westminster Under School 7+ Admissions Page for further information.

Entrance Examinations

All boys and girls take entrance assessments in English, Maths and Reasoning to determine their suitability for entry into the School. We aim to make the assessment day an informal and friendly occasion. The papers are not designed to trip the boys and girls up, but to better understand their abilities and potential.

Additional assessments

Selected boys and girls are invited to return to the School to take additional assessments, in the form of classroom activities, and to have an informal interview with a senior member of staff.

Offers sent

Offers of a place are sent to the parents of successful boys and girls.

Admission to the school

Those boys and girls achieving the required results in the entrance exams will then join the Westminster community.

Your child would join Westminster School in

Register your child

Online applications can be submitted from two years before the proposed date of entry.

Open Days

Open Days take place every year in the Summer and Autumn terms, allowing prospective parents and pupils to get a feel for the School environment and meet current pupils and staff.

Final registration point

Please see the Westminster Under School 8+ Admissions Page for further information.

Entrance examinations

All children take entrance assessments in English, Maths and Reasoning to determine their suitability for entry into the School. We aim to make the assessment day an informal and friendly occasion. The papers are not designed to trip the candidates up but to better understand their abilities and potential.

Additional assessments

Selected pupils are invited to return to the School to take additional assessments, in the form of classroom activities, and to have an informal interview with a senior member of staff.

Offers sent

Offers of a place are sent to the parents of successful candidates.

Admission to the school

Those achieving the required results in the entrance exams will then join the Westminster community.

Your child would join Westminster School in

Register your child

Online applications can be submitted from two years before the proposed date of entry.

Open Days

Open Days take place every year either in Summer and Autumn terms, allowing prospective parents and pupils to get a feel for the School environment and meet current pupils and staff.

Final registration point

Please see the Westminster Under School 11+ Admissions Page for further information.

Online assessments

In late November or early December, children sit the online ISEB Common Pre-tests, either at the Under School or their existing school. These tests are also used by a number of other senior schools and may only be taken once.

Written papers

After the online testing is complete, some children are invited back to the Under School on a Saturday to sit additional written papers in English and Mathematics.


After the written tests are complete, selected children are invited to return to the Under School for an interview with a senior member of staff.

Offers sent

Offers of a place are sent to the parents of successful boys and girls.

Admission to the school

Those achieving the required results in the entrance exams will then join the Westminster community, with various new starter mornings taking place in the summer term beforehand.

Your child would join Westminster School in

Registration opens

Online applications can be submitted from 1 October.

Open Days

Open Days and Tours for prospective parents and pupils in Year 5.

Final registration deadline

13+ registration opens in October of Year 5. We advise registering your child by the end of Year 5 (the academic year of his 10th birthday). Registration closes on 30 September, after which date no registrations can be accepted. The deadline for SEND reports is 2 October (email to

Pre-interview tests

Applicants will take the Independent Schools Examinations Board (ISEB) Common Pre-Tests in English, Maths and Reasoning at their prep schools. Westminster then assesses the results in conjunction with a current school report.

Invitation to further tests and interviews

Applicants who have performed strongly in the ISEB tests and received a satisfactory report will receive a letter (by email) inviting them to Westminster for further tests and an interview.

Further Tests and Interviews

Those boys and girls who are invited back to the School take further tests, in Mathematics and English (40 minutes each), in early January, and attend a separate interview scheduled in January / February.

Offer letters

Parents will receive a letter (by email) either offering their child an unconditional place at the school (places are no longer conditional on passing Common Entrance), offering to place their child’s name on a waiting list, or a letter explaining that their child’s application will not be taken forward.

The Challenge

If applying for a scholarship, children sit The Challenge examinations in Maths, English, French, Science, Latin, History and Geography.

Admission to the school

Subject to satisfactory progress in the previous 2 years, and a good reference from their current school in Year 8, applicants join Westminster School.

Your child would join Westminster School in

Registration opens

Our Sixth Form has a small registration window: it opens in June and closes at the end of September.

Open Days

There are two Open Days each year (in June and September), allowing prospective parents and pupils to get a feel for the school environment and to meet current pupils and staff.


Admission to the Sixth Form is by competitive examination at the beginning of November. Candidates select four subjects in which to be examined, based on their A-Level choices. Further information may be found in the 16+ prospectus.


Successful candidates are invited to Westminster for an interview towards the end of November.

Offer letters

Depending on the outcome of the interview and the exams, parents will receive a letter either offering their child a place at the School or explaining that the child’s application will not be taken forward.

Admission to the school

Boys and girls achieving the required results in their exams will then join the Westminster community.

Find out when your child is able to join the School using the personalised age checker and timeline.

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Westminster School gratefully welcomes donations to support fundraising efforts across the School community.

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