International Applicants

Westminster welcomes pupils from all over the world, and our diverse pupil body reflects this. Candidates based overseas can join the School in the Sixth Form, to board, but we do not offer international boarding places in the Lower School (Years 9 to 11). International pupils under the age of 16 must have parents resident in the UK in order to apply for a 13+ entry place at the School.

For our 16+ overseas candidates, the application process is almost the same as for a UK-based pupil. Parents of candidates who live overseas should, however, read this section carefully before proceeding with a 16+ application via our 16+ Entry page, where you will also find general information regarding the application process.

Please note that any dates given below specifically refer to our next round of recruitment for September 2024, but the application process follows a similar pattern every year, so please check back at the end of February 2024 for details for 2025 entry and so on.

For 16+ admission to the School in 2024, the date of birth of candidates applying must be between 1 September 2007 and 31 August 2008. In some cases, the School may require proof of age, which we reserve the right to ask parents for should we so need.

English language requirements

Candidates are expected to demonstrate fluency in both written and spoken English. Lessons at Westminster move at a very fast pace and a pupil whose English is not proficient will struggle to keep up with their classmates. The use of dictionaries is not allowed during entrance examinations, so we do encourage parents to make a considered judgement regarding their child’s level of English before applying to the School.

All applicants who have English as an additional language are required to provide a UKiset (UK Independent Schools’ Entry Test) or a IELTS Academic (International English Language Testing System) profile as part of their application. To arrange a test you must first register online at or For 2024 entry, the test must be taken before the application closing deadline, Saturday 30 September 2023.

(I)GCSE qualifications

There is no (I)GCSE requirement for overseas candidates who attend schools that do not prepare pupils for (I)GCSE examinations. Candidates will be considered for a place based on their performance in the School’s entrance exams and a transcript of results from their current school. Please refer to the Department Profiles pages to find out further information on entrance examinations for different subjects.

Entrance Examinations

Overseas candidates who are unable to sit the entrance examinations at Westminster School are expected to arrange invigilation at their local British Council. Parents are responsible for making the necessary arrangements and for payment of any costs incurred. Westminster School must be satisfied in advance with the security of the supervision arrangements.

The examinations must be taken on the designated Examination Day, which for 2024 entry is Saturday 4 November 2023. If this is not possible, permission must be obtained from Westminster School for the examinations to be taken on either 3 or 5 November 2023. The examinations cannot be taken before or after those dates.

Candidates offering Music as one of their four subjects must sit their entrance examinations at Westminster School on Saturday 4 November 2023; these cannot be taken overseas.


If a candidate is invited for interview they must come to Westminster School on the designated Interview Day, which is Saturday 25 November 2023. We regret we cannot offer an alternative option if candidates are unable to make the Interview Day in person.


All pupils at Westminster School whose parents live abroad must have a guardian. Candidates who are resident overseas must provide the name and address of the proposed guardian and state their relationship to the guardian. We will not be able to accept an application from an overseas applicant if the name and address of a guardian have not been provided or if, in the opinion of Westminster School, guardianship arrangements are unsatisfactory.

What is the role of the guardian?

  • The guardian must take the place of a pupil’s parent during term time in a very real sense.
  • They must be available at all times to discuss with members of staff any problems that may have arisen.
  • In the event of illness or suspension from School, the guardian must take the pupil into their home.
  • Westminster School is closed over half-term holidays and for two Exeat weekends each term. At these times, a pupil may not stay at School and must go to their guardian.

Westminster School is authorised by the Home Office to issue candidates who have been offered places at 16+ entry with Certificates of Acceptance to Study (CAS). Please consult the website to find out how you can apply for a Child Student on the points-based system and other related information.


Overseas candidates who are selected to attend the School will be offered a boarding place.

Boarding at the School is an extremely rewarding and immersive experience, and owing to Westminster’s location at the heart of London, our community of international boarders can take full advantage of their weekends to enjoy all that the city has to offer. The School operates on a combination of House-specific and whole-community events for weekend boarders, and there will always be an outing or activity planned for when the academic week has ended. Find out more about boarding at Westminster.

Find out when your child is able to join the School using the personalised age checker and timeline.

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Westminster School gratefully welcomes donations to support fundraising efforts across the School community.

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