The School Day


A typical timetable

7.50 am Breakfast is served in College Hall (originally the dining room of the Abbot of Westminster).Day boys and girls start to arrive.
8.45 am The School day starts with registration in the Houses.
9.00 am A service in the Abbey or Latin Prayers (Assembly) up School are held on full teaching days (Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays) with voluntary services at other times.
9.25 am Lessons start (Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays).
1.00 pm Lunch. During the lunch hour only pupils in the two final years are free to leave the precincts without permission. Otherwise there are various activities, orchestral and choir rehearsals, and an opportunity to meet with Housemasters, Tutors and other teachers.
2.00 pm All pupils take part in the Station (games) programme on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
4.10 pm Lessons end on full teaching days (Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays).
4.15 pm Tea is available every day for boarders and day pupils in College Hall or Grant’s Dining Room. Between tea and supper time most of the Lower School Activities take place and meetings of Upper School Societies are arranged.
6.00 pm Supper.
7.15 pm For boarders, study time commences in their studies or the Library.
9.00 pm Study time ends. Thereafter pupils may meet and talk, play snooker or table tennis, watch television, work out in the gym or continue with their academic work. For many boarders the end of formal prep is not the end of study for the day.
10.00 pm Pupils return to their Houses unless they have permission to go with a group organised by a member of staff to a play, a concert or to attend a family celebration. Bed times vary with the age of the pupils.

Day pupils

Day pupils part company with the boarders in the early evening to make their way home. However, they may stay at School for a music event or drama production or they join a group going out to a theatre or a concert. Day pupils taking part in School or House plays or concerts who find it difficult to get home safely by a reasonable time often arrange with Housemasters to stay overnight.

Find out when your child is able to join the School using the personalised age checker and timeline.

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