  • About
  • Curriculum
  • Enrichment
  • Staff
  • After Westminster
  • About

    Economics is a living, breathing, dynamic subject that offers many new perspectives on the modern world. It is a subject that influences our everyday decisions. Which job offer to accept, where to live, what to buy and how to pay for it. If you ever think that governments over or under tax people, or what an interest rate is and how it will impact your life, then economics is the subject for you. If you have ever wanted to know why we cannot just print money to help poor people, whether tech giants such as Facebook, Google and Apple do more harm than good, what the best pricing strategy for the new iPhone is, how the government should best tackle global warming or the illegal drug trade, then Economics can set you on the road to finding answers.

    Sixth Form Entry
    Subject requirements for the course
    No prior knowledge of Economics is assumed for this course but a top grade in Mathematics (I)GCSE is highly desirable. While numerical ability is an advantage, it is by no means essential to being successful in Economics at A Level. For those who wish to pursue Economics at University, however, it is essential that pupils have at least A Level Mathematics if they later want to read for a single honours degree in Economics. Further Mathematics is strongly recommended for the top university Economics faculties in the UK.

    Entrance Examination

    The entrance exam contains no Economics! It consists of two parts. Part one contains multiple choice questions to test logic and thinking and some graph / data analysis questions. Part two is an essay designed to test a pupil’s ability to develop an argument. A short extract from a magazine or a news article is given to help candidates formulate a response.

    Past questions have included the following:

    • Should you be allowed to sell your kidney?
    • “Guns do not kill people, people do.” Discuss.
    • Should you be free to live anywhere you like?
    Related Downloads

      Departments may provide additional documents here related to the Entrance Examination:

      There are no additional documents available for this subject.

    Overseas Candidates
    There is no (I)GCSE requirement for those who attend schools overseas that do not prepare pupils for (I)GCSE examinations. Candidates will be considered for a place based on their performance in the School’s entrance examinations and a transcript of results from their current school.


    Department Contact Mrs Lisa Newton
  • Curriculum

    The Edexcel A Level offers the chance to explore real-world issues using a combination of written arguments, diagrams and data, helping you develop the key skills necessary to succeed in an ever evolving and dynamic working environment.

    In class pupils have been immersed in topics such as Brexit, the demise of the high street and the impact of AI on growth and jobs. The aftermath of pandemic on global economies, including the obvious debate as to how we will pay for it as well as the behavioural impact on consumer habits, the rising cost of living and the impact of the Ukraine war on energy security have all been hot topics too. The subject considers key policy debates including the control of inflation; economic growth; inequality; the regulation of big business and environmental economics.

    Syllabus & Code
    Edexcel A Level 9EC0 Economics
  • Enrichment

    Pupils of Economics pursue their passion beyond the classroom. The Economics Society is pupil-led and is one of the most popular in the School. Topics discussed have ranged from the economics of FIFA to the use of game theory in police reform, to ‘Raponomics’ – a competition in which pupils rapped on an economic or political issue of the day.

    In addition, external speakers addressing the pupils have included Charlie Bean from LSE and leading lights from global institutions. The department hosts film nights too.

    The Economics Society Committee recently launched The Westminster Economist, a magazine with articles on current affairs and which has enjoyed great critical acclaim. Westminster’s Economics Instagram keeps pupils up to speed with events and news too.

    In addition, pupils have achieved much success in external competitions, winning prizes from prestigious institutions including LSSE and Cambridge.

  • Staff

    * denotes Head of Department
    † denotes Housemaster

    Mr Jamie Brown (JHB) — Head of Sixth Form
    Mr Nick Fair (NAF) — DofE Gold leadership  †
    Mr Marwan Mikdadi (MRM)
    Mrs Lisa Newton (LJN) — Head of Economics  *
    Ms Holly Wagstaff (HEW) — Head of Fifth Form
  • After Westminster

    60% of A Level Economists go on to read Economics or an Economics-related subject at university. There is an enormous range of options available, such as: PPE (Philosophy, Politics and Economics), HSPS (Human, Social, and Political Sciences), Economics and History, Economics with a Modern Language, Economics and Management, Economics and Finance, Economics and Mathematics, and Business and Management. The department also runs a very successful Oxbridge preparation programme. An Economics degree is highly valued in the workplace, and Economics graduates pursue careers in a variety of areas including finance, business, and law.

"Lessons are interactive and discursive. Teachers encourage discussion and debate. Recent topics such as the impact of Covid on the gender, race and class pay gap have generated lively conversations."

— Manon, Year 12 pupil

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