11 November 2022

In Westminster Abbey on Armistice Day, pupils processed past The Tomb of the Unknown Warrior, honouring the sacrifice of the fallen.

A service of Remembrance encouraged members of the community to appreciate the lives they lead today, and to look back and learn from events of the past.

“Remembrance Day relays the message that we must never forget the atrocities that occurred in the past, which further links to the point that society needs to develop in order to avoid the circumstances in which history could repeat itself. It is vital to share our compassion and appreciation for the loved ones of the soldiers who gave up so much in order to defend their countries.

“Honouring their sacrifice allows us to appreciate the value of our world and the fragility of the harmony which unites us. By reflecting upon the hardships they endured, we merely begin to understand the bravery of those who risked their lives and can only attempt to emulate such courage on a quotidian basis.”
— Yuwa (Sixth Form, LL)

The Westminster School Remembrance Service is a solemn service that pays honour to the fallen and specifically to those Old Westminsters who gave their lives in battle. Remembrance does not glorify war, but honours those who served to defend our liberty and way of life in the sure hope of a peaceful future.”
— Fr Dan Warnke, Westminster School Chaplain

“Remembrance Day represents a collective day of solemn reflection on a particularly tragic episode in human history. It makes us pause, even over a hundred years later, so that we can try to comprehend the colossal loss of life in one of the worst conflicts of the past.

“In honouring the sacrifices of the members of the armed forces, we feel a sense of collective mourning, a sense of solidarity and deep respect for all those who suffered on the frontline and their families back home. It is also a stark reminder of how fragile peace is, in the modern world. It is therefore our duty to continue to do everything we can, individually and collectively, to avoid a repeat of such horrible events.”
— Raaghav (Upper Shell, CC)

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